“ You need to respect others’ voice as you have yours preserves next 2 weeks” such was the message delivered to the Kigali sympathizers known as “intore” who tried to sabotage the conference regardless of their time that was set on April 24,2019
It is now know that whoever tries to point out the horrible acts perpetrated by RPF(Rwanda Patriotic Front) and its military wing while on struggle, RPA (Rwanda Patriotic Army) is immediately refuted, fought and qualified of all kind of evil by the Rwandan regime. This was the case while it was set to hear Judi Rever’s speech with the theme “Let us all remember as genocide survivors”, which was due to take place in Tarrant County Junior College” on this April 01, 2019. A group of “Intore” erupted and tempted to demonstrate against it .
After the Embassy of Rwanda in USA learned of Judi Rever’s speech tried to stop it in vain, then it tried to work through Rwandan diaspora by mean of demonstrating against it, but also were granted the dates different , and still they were not willing to obey the law nor the order, the Police was forced to order those “Intore” sent by the Embassy of Rwanda in the US not to disrupt Judi Rever’s speech and wait for their demonstration coming up in two weeks .

This group of “Intore” were led by the head of Rwandan Diaspora Sam MBANDA,Alice KAYIRANGWA the Secretary, Manu and Patrick KAREGE both known as the most violent vocals on social media; and who are always used in harming or intimidating whoever they think not to be on their side. There were also some ladies included Marie José MULINDAHABI,Solange and Hope the sister of Busingye,(the minister of Justice in Rwanda). After their mission failed the group went in and had no choice but to listen to the speech under the vigilant eyes of the police that had tightened the security in the conference room and in its surroundings.
The Canadian Author and Journalist, basing on her research and testimonies conducted over 20 years gathered in her book “In Praise of Blood”. said that she is not denying nor minimizing the genocide against Tutsi but also she cannot remain silent over the atrocities done by Rwanda Patriotic Army (RPA) against Hutu by people who are praised for stopping genocide while massacred multitude and that remained untold and the victims have no right to cry neither for mourning for theirs! “I speak for the voiceless people!” She reiterated. She insisted that she has never been a “negationist” of 1994 Genocide against Tutsi but she is determined to stick to the truth.

The more the Government of Rwanda, its embassies and its diaspora committees across the world continue to invest in threatening, silencing and even in killing all witnesses of the massacres committed by RPA, the more the world is slowly getting to know the truth and being aware that there is something they are trying to hide.
Apart from those Rwandan who tried to disturb in vain, among participants were survivors of the said massacres like Khadidja NYIRANSEKUYE (Dr.Professor of Sociology at UNT Denton).
No doubt that this 25th commemoration will leave everybody with sufficient knowledge of bad things done by Interarahamwe militias without ignoring those orchestrated by RPF-Inkotanyi. It was obvious for everybody who were in conference room, that these “Intore” went home in disgrace after listening what the people they support and blindly fight for did, and keep leading them to the destructive defensive line until today.
On her Twitter page, Judi Rever has ironically posted a photo of 3 INTORE wearing white printed T-shirts with the slogans”Stop confusing, there is only one Genocide in Rwanda “against Tutsi in 1994”,
“Denying Tusti Genocide is denying my pain open wounds”.

People wonder why Kigali’s regime and its supporters keep harassing and defaming whoever pointing out its evil did even when he/she has the proofs of what he/she says, and openly announce it in daylight in public!
Ijisho ry’Abaryankuna
Texas USA.